English version

The Brno Diocese (in Latin: Dioecesis Brunensis) is a Roman Catholic diocese located predominantly in the southern part of the historical land of Moravia.

Mons. Mgr. Ing. Pavel Konzbul, Dr. is the 14th bishop of Brno.

The Bishop resides in the regional city of Brno, with the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul serving as the diocesan cathedral. The diocese spans an area of 10,668 km², making it the third-largest diocese in the Czech Republic by area. 

It comprises 445 parishes, organized into 20 deaneries.

(Map of the Brno Diocese)


Diocese of Brno 

Biskupství brněnské
Petrov 269/8, 601 43 Brno

Czech Republic

Phone: +420 533 033 111, +420 533 033 344
Email: brno@biskupstvi.cz
Website: www.biskupstvi.cz

Data Box ID: rd4mi3a
Company ID (IČ): 00445142, VAT (DIČ): CZ00445142

The Brno Diocese is registered in the Register of Church Legal Entities under the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (entry number 8/1-06/1994) in accordance with § 20 of Act No. 3/2002 Coll. on Churches and Religious Communities.

Office Hours

Monday: 9:00–12:00 AM
Wednesday: 9:00–12:00 AM, 1:00–4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00–12:00 AM

Appointments outside these hours can be arranged by prior agreement.

Media Contact

Spokesperson: Anežka Benešová
Phone: +420 728 218 227
Email: komunikace@biskupstvi.cz

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

Roman Catholic Parish at the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, Brno
Address: Petrov 268/9, 602 00 Brno
Phone: +420 543 235 031
Email: brno-katedrala@dieceze.cz
Company ID (IČ): 65348681

Parish Office Hours
Monday: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

For the latest information, visit www.katedrala-petrov.cz.

Holy Masses in Foreign Languages in Brno

  • English: Brno - Jesuit Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Jezuitská Street, Sunday 12:15 PM (in the side chapel, accessed through the rear entrance of the church).

  • German: Brno - Church of the Holy Family, Grohova Street - every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM.

  • Latin: Brno - Church of St. Thomas, Moravské náměstí, Sunday 7:45 AM; Brno - Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, Petrov Street, Sunday 7:30 AM

  • Latin Mass in accordance with Misale Romanum 1962: Brno - Church of St. Michael, Dominican Square, Sun 15:00

  • Slovak: Brno - Church of St. James, Rašínova Street. Sunday 7:00 PM.

  • Greek and Old Slavonic: Brno - Church of St. Joseph, Sunday 8:00 AM.

  • Polish: Brno - Minorite Church of Sts. Johns, Minoritská Street, 6:00 PM, only on the 1st Sunday of the month.

  • Vietnamese: Brno-Židenice, Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Gajdošova Street, every Saturday at 7:30 PM.


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